Monday, April 30, 2012

Court Adjourned

Today, work welcomed me back with a "bang" to say the least. I was trying to catch up on all my work from last week, solve every problem that arose, prepare for my first court testimony, all while trying to cater to the state surveyors every need for 2 different units as they decided to grace us with their presence this morning.  For those that work in the health care field, you know that state surveyors are not the highlight of the year.  Its the dreaded time of year for every nursing facility. 

But with all of the chaos that arose today, the positive was that the day went by very fast and I'm proud to say that I survived my first court testimony.  And it wasn't as the least bit stressful as I had fully anticipated.  This was the highlight of my day, and one that I can write down as accomplished and not have to fear the next time around!

So that being said,  I'm not really in the blogging mood so I'm going to go hang with these two cuties...

Good Night!

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