Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Bryleigh Turns 2

2 years ago today our independent, energetic, sweet little girl made her debut just in time for daddy to make it to the Monday night Packer game and she has been a daddy's girl ever since!

Here's a little update on what you are doing these days!  And some fun party pictures mixed in there too! 

Talking:  You are stubborn when it comes to talking.  You can talk but you usually choose not to.  The words that you say regularly are: no, please, tilapia, thank you, excuse me, ewww, broken, mama, daddy, nali, hi, bye, I eat, more, snack, all done, bryleigh, goldfish, potty, poop, mine, stop it, sorry.   You also can count up to 5 which you are learning from Christian.  You are able to repeat almost anything that you hear but it depends on your mood if you will repeat them.   You can name almost every part on your body and if you won't say them, you will point to them.

Moving:  You continue to have no fear!  Your latest feat is climbing onto the kitchen counters by using the drawer handles as "steps" so that you can get into the Halloween candy.  Fortunately,  you have not figured out how to get over the baby gates which I am surprised about, so at times, we still use the baby gates.  You know when you have done something sneeky and will run away from us, especially when it comes to stealing mommy's lip gloss.  You are quite the little runner.

Speaking of lip gloss... God mother Jenna oh so graciously bought Bryleigh her own lip gloss!

Which she so generously shared with everyone :)

Eating:  You are quite the picky eater when you want to be.  You used to eat everything, but we knew that would change and it has! You still love your oatmeal for breakfast! You usually pick at your food and don't eat much for lunch or supper.  Usually, if you are at Grandma's, she will tell us you ate all of you meals and then part of Christian's but we NEVER see this at home.  You are getting better at eating with your utensils but mom and dad still help with the really messy foods. You are drinking out of a sippy cup most often to protect our carpets but you know how to drink out of a cup almost perfectly!

But you had no problems eating your cake tonight!

Sleeping: You go to bed at 8pm and will sleep all night until about 8am.  You would sleep longer most days but your brother loves to wake you up so you can play!  You have to have a blankie covering you up and a tiny blanket up by your face to sleep.  You also need your aquarium sound machine on.  You have been off the nuk for quite some time now!

 Growing:  At your most recent check up you were 23 pounds and if I had to guess, you are about 32 inches tall.  You have your 2 year check up tomorrow so we will know for sure then!   You wear mostly 24 months/2T clothes but you can still fit into some 18 months clothes, especially pants! Mommy loves to make you bows for your pony tails, headbands, and tutu's!  You sure love to dress up in your tutu's but it depends on your mood if you will keep your bows in your hair! You are wearing size 4-5 shoes.  You are wearing a size 4 diaper! 

Personality: You are our independent, energetic little girl!  You are always keeping us on our toes with new things that you have masterminded!   You always want to be the center of attention!  You are spunky, sassy, and sweet.  When you want something, you want it now!  We have started to introduce time outs with you and you understand when you have been naughty and will sit in your time out spot.  You also have learned to say sorry after being naughty.  More recently, you have really started to "test" us.  You will do things around Mommy that you know better than to do around Daddy.  You and Christian have a love/hate relationship right now and are constantly arguing over toys, food, or whatever you two can argue about.  But you can tell that you adore your big brother because when he is at school, you don't know what to do with yourself and just cuddle with daddy!

 Not only did you have a great time at your party tonight, but everyone else did also! 

Carson couldn't get enough of this baby!  He's going to make a great big brother one day!

  Although, you are quite our little diva, you can be the sweetest little cuddler and we can't even imagine the time that you were not a part of our little family!  We can't wait to see what the future has in store for you but we know that whatever it may be, you will always be our sweet little Bryleigh girl! 

Happy Birthday baby girl! We couldn't wait to give you your present, although I think Mommy is more excited than you are!

Your very own bow holder made with love by Mommy, Grandpa, and Auntie Katie!

We love you Bryleigh girl!  We are so blessed that God gave us you!  Happy 2nd Birthday! 

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