Sunday, May 20, 2012

The sun still shines...

Although I know it may be a superstition, the saying "Death comes in three's"  has rang true to me too many times. When I started my first social work job out of college, it was in a nursing home.  What I was told was that when one resident died, in most cases, two other residents would be soon to follow. I wouldn't say that it happened every time, but in most situations, it did.  My heart is so sad today as this "superstition" rang true for our family this weekend. Bryan's cousin lost his girlfriend and mother to their 7 month son on Saturday.  She was so young in her mid twenties and had so much life left to live.  My heart hurts so much for Jason and their little boy, Harley. The pain of losing a great grandma, grandpa, and now the love of his life in less than 3 weeks must be unbearable.  Please keep this family in your prayers as they go through this trial in their lives.  Please pray for strength and guidance in raising his 7 month old son. 

I hate that so much loss has been occurring in our family.  But the sun is still shining and life must go on, I love that we have the sweet innocence of our children to keep us strong and moving on!

I'm continuing on with my little documentary of Bryleigh's strange sleeping positions. She goes down for nap and bed time in her bed and we just never know where we will find her next!

I will be putting a collage together eventually of the her bedtime ventures!  It should be fun to look back on someday!

Yesterday was also the first time this year that that sprinkler and water table made their debut. We couldn't have asked for more perfect weather!  

Now if only it will stay like this for our big camping weekend coming up!  I don't think we will be able to pack much in Grandpa's new car for our camping weekend but Christian was excited for his first ride in the BMW, and I'm sure Grandpa was just as thrilled to be sporting that nice car seat in the front :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh how very sad for your family, I am sorry.:( I love the sweet pictures of Bryleigh sleeping :)
