Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day

Today is a day to remember all of our true blessings in life. My mother has been a mentor and friend to me.  She has taught me what I know along the way and has done so in special ways.  I will never forget the many times that I would find little "Thinking about you..." notes when I would go on field trips for school or sleep overs with friends.  And at 25 years old, I still get little "Thinking about you.." notes like cards in the mail even though we live a few miles apart and emails.  These are little acts of kindness and love that I hope to pass down to my children.  I still call my mom every morning on my way to work and worry when we haven't talked at least once a day!  My mom and I have such a close relationship and I cherish that. Although we have gone through the usual up's and down's of the mother/daughter relationship, I grateful for the closeness that I have with my Mom Today.

My sister, mom, and I
 My mother in law has also been my mother figure in the past 7 years that I have known her.  Bryan and I being a young couple at 18 and married by 20, we struggled through our first years of dating and marriage due to Bryan's cancer diagnosis, military leave, college years, and having our own children. She was there for us through every step of the way, guiding us along.  Although we may not have always liked what she had to tell us, I"m thankful to say that Bryan and I made it through the roughest years and we are together today to thank her for this!  She has been our adviser when it comes to sick kids in the middle of the night and is always there for to lend a helping hand when Bryan and I are in desperate need of a date night. She has taught me so much about being a wife and mother!  I love her to pieces and am so thankful that I am one of the lucky ones to have a great mother in law!

My MIL and her foster girls and niece, Lindsey in the red

On this Mother's Day, I have so many blessings to be thankful for...especially the gift of my two beautiful children.  Its amazing to think of how far we have come in the past 6 years since the doctor's told Bryan and I that we were not going to be able to have children.  I remember as a little girl dreaming about being a mother someday.  My dreams and hopes were shattered that day.  But in God's own time, we were given our two fun loving children and they are truly our miracles! (Even if the past few weeks have been very trying!)
The day could not have been more perfect!  A day spent with family eating good food and enjoying the nice weather! Bryan attempted a photo with me and the kiddos and I can never share just 1...

 And my favorite gift from my favorite boy...

Is now the time to inform Christian that you always guess younger at a woman's age rather than older?  Ha Ha

Happy Mother's Day to Everyone!  Have a great day celebrating the people and Mom's you care about today!

1 comment:

  1. Such a sweet post, I love it. I am so glad to hear you have a wonderful MIL and mom. I ma saying a prayer for you this week would be less trying! Hugs mommy you are doing a good job. Happy Mother's day!
