Monday, May 28, 2012

Our First Big Camping Adventure

We are back from our first big camping adventure of the year and it was all that I had hoped it would be...relaxing and fun!  Although the weather did not cooperate as much as we would have hoped (which my hubby is saying "I told you so" right now as he informed me that it rains every Memorial Day Weekend), we still had a blast and found fun things to do indoors on Saturday. We made it home a little while ago and we are all unpacked and starting laundry before we hit another rain storm!  Perfect timing :)

Sorry for the picture overload to follow but I want to share a some of our fun!

On Friday, we arrived a little after 6 so the majority of the night was spend setting up, exploring the campground, and making dinner! 

 The kids were so excited for their first night in their bunk beds! And they did great! 

Saturday turned out to be a gloomy day but we were able to get in a little bit of outdoor fun before the rain started!

And then at 3pm, the downpour started and continued all night!  We were hoping for a break in the rain but it never happened.  Luckily we had board games, music, and Grandma and Grandpa to entertain the little ones!

Here's a little peak at Bryleigh's amazing dancing skills :)

There came a point that we just couldn't keep the kids in the campers any longer so we took a walk in the wagon with an umbrella to the gift shop.  Grandpa even took Christian to play in the mud puddles while Bryleigh was napping. Later on in the evening, we put a canopy tent over the campfire so that we could stay covered from the rain and we were able to enjoy a fire for a bit.  That is, until the kids were completely soaked. I especially could not keep Bryleigh out of the rain no matter how hard I tried. She even wanted to take her sweatshirt off. Crazy kiddos, I'd take my warm sweatshirt to the cold rain any day!

Daddy found a frog!

Sunday, it was beautiful and we spend the whole day at the pool and the playground. Our friends, Jenna and Andy, and their two boys, Landon and Carson came to visit for a few hours also. 

Christian stayed at the pool while Bryleigh napped and after her nap, the fun never stopped!  We met a new friend, Mr. Caterpillar, built "construction sites,"  ate freeze pops, played some more with Grandma and Grandpa, and ate a yummy dinner!

After dinner, Uncle Kevin and his girlfriend, Andrea, came to visit.  We walked down to the pool to watch Grandpa, our foster sisters, and Christian swim. I didn't put Bryleigh in her suit because it was a bit chilly. But what I continue to learn is that you can get anything you want when you are a toddler with big brown pouty puppy dog eyes! 

It started with Bryleigh's feet in the water...

We tried to entertain her with a Popsicle...

Doing tricks jumping over Grandpa

Then it was a shoulder ride on Grandpa...

And finally, Grandpa let her go in. Her diaper was a good 10 pounds when she came out. But she loved every minute of it. Actually, she loved it a bit too much. She has no fear at all. She already has learned to jump in on the side of the pool without any floaty and then when she goes under, Grandpa catches her.  This she learned from Christian and you can't take your eyes off of her near water for one second.  It scares the life out of me.  We really need to find a way to instill some fear into this girl. Any ideas????

We ended the night with a campfire and S'mores until Christian was asking to go to bed. It was an amazing weekend and we are even thinking about going again this coming weekend.  Camping is so much easier with a camper!  We are so grateful that we saved up for the past couple of years to get one :)

I also want to say Thank you to all the service men who made the ultimate sacrifices so that I can live in freedom.  Also a big thanks to all the military wives!  I was once in that position of a military wife and scared to death of what that life may look like until my Marine was medically discharged due to his diagnosis of a Brain Tumor. It was a bittersweet time. I may now live every day with my Marine and do not have to fear deployments but I will never take for granted all those who are living that reality!  We are so thankful for all that you do!  God Bless you All!

1 comment:

  1. It looks like so much fun!!!! I love the video of Bryleigh dancing :)
