Friday, March 30, 2012

Under the weather..

The weather has been a bit chilly the last couple of days but the sun is still shining. Unfortunately for the past several days, this momma has been feeling icky.  I'm tired from morning til night (And I mean really tired like drink 4 cups of coffee and still take a nap), nausea, and just all over blah. So besides a little bit of getting outside for a while, its been laying on the couch for me with tons of help from the hubby.

We were able to make it to our friends house for a cookout last night but I just sat down really because I just wanted to sleep.  But the kids had fun playing with trains...

 And Bryleigh went on the potty and wore undies for a couple hours while keeping them dry!  We are slowly but surely getting the potty concept!

Now off to a conference in Wausau for the day.  Of course, I have to do a work function on the one time a year that I am really feeling icky.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, that's how I fell when I am pregnant.LOL So sorry you are not feeling well, It is so hard to take care of everything, in those times. Saying a prayer for you right now!
