Sunday, March 18, 2012

Sunny Sunday

I just want to start off by adding that so many of our friends wished us well on our 5 year anniversary yesterday and we really appreciate it!  We had our cousin, Lindsey, babysit last night while we went to Tokyo Steakhouse for Dinner!  And Mmmmm was it good, I just love Hibachi Grills. Although I became the target for laughter because apparently its not usual for customers to ask for A-1 Steak sauce.  I was so embarrassed after I realized that this was probably a "dis" to the chef.  Mental note taken for next time :)  And just for the record, the steak didn't even need the steak sauce, I should have just tasted the steak before asking for sauce :)  After dinner, we went to the theater and we saw  "21 Jumpstreet"  with my eye candy Channing Tatum!  It was so funny!  I'm glad Bryan and I went out for a date night! 

Today was another 80 degree day!  We packed up the kids bikes this morning and went over to our friend's house to let the kids play.  The kids just love playing together, and they can learn from each other.

Landon learned to ride his bike without training wheels this weekend and we were hoping to spark Christian's interest in learning but he wanted nothing to do with this.  Christian has never really shown an interest in his bike and it is so frustrating because we really want to teach him so we can go for bike rides more often since the kids fight if we put them in the bike trailer together.  So after many attempts at trying to convince him to learn (and a lot of whining), we gave up. So we did the next best thing...we loosened up the training wheels so he can at least learn balance until he shows more interest.  Maybe in another 2 years we will finally have an independent bike rider :)  

Now on the other hand, Bryleigh already wants to learn to ride a bike.  I think its time we buy a trike or small bicycle for Bryleigh because she was loving this little trike! She was peddling all over the driveway!

And with the weather being so nice, we decided to let Bryleigh run around without a diaper on for a while since she has a horrible rash that just won't go away.  We took her in about a week ago and the Dr. said it was a yeast infection but I think we are going to have to make a second trip back to the doctor because its not getting any better.  On the plus side, we brought the potty outside and Bryleigh went in it 3 times so far today.  I hope this might be a another start to an interest in potty training (if the M&M's aren't reward enough, I don't know what it!) We will have to see, since we had  false hope about a month or so ago and since then, she has had no interest. 

Our friends live right along Lake Camelot so we took a little nature hike!

Now the kids are relaxing for a bit before we head to dinner with the family!

1 comment:

  1. Sound like you guys had a great weekend! I love our date nights,(usually Monday) Fridays in LA are crazy. I love that shot of your daughter in her diaper soooo sweet!
