Monday, March 19, 2012


Over the past year or so of being in this blogging community, I have found so many great people who have shared so many stories of their lives. One such blog that I have been following is Kelly's Korner. She is such a Godly woman, and such an inspiration in how she uses her family blog to share her Faith and experiences with others.  She has shared many times about her mission trips through Compassion and her joy in sponsoring a child through Compassion International.  I loved hearing about her journey.  Kelly also has a "Show Us Your Life Fridays" in which bloggers link up to her post in regards to that week's topic. Several weeks ago, the Friday's topic was "Ministry Wives."  I love finding new blogs to read so I was reading through several of the Ministry Wives blogs when I came across this blog...Story of My Life.  In Mary's blog, she also discussed her mission trip through Compassion in which she was able to meet the child that she sponsors.  And if God doesn't work in great ways, one of my daily reads and also a friend I worked with in college, Jenna, also sponsored a little boy several weekends ago through a Compassion church event.  What a life changing experience!

I thought this was just amazing and decided to research further into this organization. And the more I read about the history and purpose of Compassion, I knew this was something that I wanted to do...Sponsor a child.  I was so excited so Bryan and I sat down and talked about this.  Bryan was all for this idea as he has wanted to do this also. Bryan informed me that he did not want to "pick" a child as how do you just pick 1 child out of all the children that need a sponsor.  But after I "accidentally" clicked on a little boy, I couldn't help but fall in love, and I also felt the need to sponsor little Manuel when we read that his birthday is August 19, 2007, which is also the day that we welcomed Christian into God's family with his baptism.  How special is it that Christian and little Manuel would share something so special!  We knew that God wanted us to sponsor this little boy! 

Here is our little Manuel:

Bryan and I are thrilled to be part of Compassion mission of "releasing children from poverty in Jesus' name."  Not only are we able to provide financially for a child, but we are also able to write letters and send pictures to our child, as well as receive letters and pictures. We received our sponsorship packet in the mail today!  Maybe one day, we too, can visit the child that we are sponsoring.

Maybe you will consider sponsoring a child today also! What a great way to contribute to the life and faith of a little child that needs uplifting!  I have added a link on my sidebar for anyone that interested in learning more about Compassion!

1 comment:

  1. Wow that is so great! MY SIL does it also. After reading this...I think I need to do it as well. VERY INSPIRING! I don't read Kelly's very much....but I do read this really cool Pastors wife, blogging mom named uhhhh......Kallie. I am so inspired! Maybe this is the next K Korner! So one of my friends tagged me in a blog game. It was pretty fun. I tagged you, if you want to play follow the instructions on my blog. Read you soon Kelly oh I mean Kallie
