Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Hi Ho to the doctor we go

I feel like in the past couple months,  we have either been at the doctor, at the walk in clinic, or calling the doctor for either one of the kids or for myself.  So today was no exception when I decided to take Bryleigh back to the doctor after she was diagnosed with a yeast infection at the walk in clinic about 3 weeks ago that has never gone away. Her poor butt will just not get any better so I decided it was time.  So we have yet another cream to try for her, since she is apparently resistant or immune to the other 2 creams we have tried.

The poor thing has the most sensitive skin than anyone I have every met. Since she was a newborn, she always had some type of rash.  If it wasn't baby acne, then it was eczema, or baby measles.  Geesh, this girl will definitely help us to reach our cost share cap for insurance this year! Each time we take her in, she gets prescribed another cream which is at least $20 each cream.  So today, we walked away with another cream for her yeast infection and an antibiotic for the sinus infection that I believe developed from the allergies and pink eye that she had last week.  We have quite the pharmacy going for this girl...

She has so many creams that I have started to mark what they are for so hopefully we can re use them for rashes in the future.  I took a bag to the doctor today in hopes that one of them could be reused but no such luck :( Hopefully we have the right fix this time and she can get all better.  Both sets of her cheeks need some serious treatment right now, the poor girl! 

It takes a lot to keep this pretty little thing looking and feeling good!

As you can tell, her new favorite past time is playing in the bathroom sink "washing hands."

And to end with a bit of inappropriate humor from our drive home over the weekend...

How can you not laugh at our little miss priss but yet so tom boy at the same time.  Is that even possible?  Well I guess anything is possible with our little munchkin.  Just to clarify,  I do encourage "Say excuse me!" after her inappropriate "I farted" comments :)

1 comment:

  1. LOL that was hilarious! My Shayla was watching, She wants to have a play date....I told her you guys live far away, she ok lets watch it again! SO why don't you just create at tutu and matching bow for Shayla. I comment on some of your face book pics I love pink and supper girly! Send me a pay pal invoice. She is 3...I don't know if that matters. Thanks I can't wait. Saying a prayer for Bryleigh to get all better. .
