Monday, December 3, 2012

Just hanging out

Look who we found just hanging around this morning...

Oh that Buddy!  Too bad Barbie wasn't under that Mistletoe!  lol

And just for some shock value, the temperature was 58 degrees today!  Yes, we are grilling out on December 3, in a T-shirt.  If you ask Bryan, he says that this surely means that end of the world is coming. But if you ask me, I'm just liking the nice weather.  We only need snow for Christmas and then it can be gone again!


  1. LOL to cute! Glad to see Bryan smiling and grilling I hope his headache is better!

  2. Gotta love that Buddy! Monday we had 68 degree temps and today it is 38. My toes just don't want to warm up!
