Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Just Pretend!

Christian has quite the little imagination these days!  He sure comes up with the funniest things. Lately,  its been let's play "Captain Hook"  where he is Captain Hook and I am Steve.  I'm still unsure who Steve is but I'm assuming it is from a cartoon that he watched?!?  So tonight,  Christian wanted to pretend he was in Mexico.  (Must be hearing all of our vacation talk!)  So he put on his sun hat we brought him back from Mexico and Bryleigh followed and he proceeded to tell us that they were 'Lisa and Pat"  aka Grandma and Grandpa!  So they had the shoes and the hats and were all ready to go to the beach, he insisted!  Big feet like Grandpa he says! 

We love our "pretend" days!  I'm sure there will be more stories to come!  And in between the pretending, I was able to complete another tutu dress!

I'm a tired girl lately, so its going to be an early night for me!  Good night!

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