Saturday, June 16, 2012

Meet Brutus

I'm feeling much better today, or for the last few hours, I should say!  I was on and off miserable yesterday but there was just so much that I wanted to do. I can only stay cooped up inside for so long on a beautiful day until I go stir crazy, so I forced myself out of the house yesterday evening to get some fresh air.

Our friends stopped over to show us their new family addition...Meet Brutus!

Such a cute and cuddly little 7 week old puppy!  I don't know much about animals, but I do know one thing, tiny puppies with big paws and tongues grow into big dogs and I know that Brutus is going to be one big pooch!  But the kids sure loved him!  And Jenna and Andy just did not want to give up on trying to convince us to get one of Brutus' brothers or sisters to join our family!

We also did go over to the in laws last night for some movies! Our relaxing movie night, turned into a car wash marathon with the boys washing 3 cars! I was even lucky enough to get my car washed!

Such a sweet family I have :)

This morning I continued to feel very icky. I debated if I wanted to go into the walk in clinic since I could barely swallow because my throat was so sore.  I decided that I should since I didn't want to be contagious for our Father's Day get together tomorrow if I did have a sort of bacteria. And it is a good thing that I went in, because I have Strep Throat.  I can't remember the last time that I had strep throat. But I'm on antibiotics now and I'm feeling better already and I can go to our cookout tomorrow afternoon without infecting anyone else! 

I even felt well enough to make 12 containers of strawberry freezer jam this afternoon from the batch of strawberries that the family picked while I was at work this week!  And it tastes so good!

Next, I will be making strawberry short cake with the remainder of our strawberries!

I hope everyone has a great Saturday!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kallie I have been out of town sorry to hear your sick. I have to say I have been felling pretty icky myself and I hope I do not end up with strep a common bacteria for me:( Well I am glad you got medicine and are having a fun fathers day, they puppy looks fun :)
