Sunday, June 3, 2012


We officially have a new pet in our home..."Goldie II" the Gold Fish.  We had no intentions of having a pet fish but when your 4 year old little boy is given a fish and becomes attached within the first 5 minutes, a parent will go to great lengths to make a boy happy!

This would be the case in our home right now!  We visited our friends in Marshfield on Friday evening for a night of fun events. Dairy Fest was going on which was a bunch of fun activities in the park.  The kids enjoyed the saw dust dig and came home with lots of candy! 

After we had some delicious deep fried goodness, we went over to the carnival...

The kids each enjoyed a few rides a couple of games!

Bryleigh was attached to Andy the entire night!  She can be so sweet at times! 

Andy's friend, Russel, came to town for the night and spoiled our kids. Russel won Bryleigh a teddy bear! And Christian got the gold fish! 

Do you see that proud smile!  It was constant talk all Friday night about how we needed to get a fish bowl and fish food. And how he is going to name him "Goldie" and that "Goldie" was his best friend and on and on and on....It just melted my heart to hear him so proud of this tiny little fish.Thankfully, Jenna and Andy, had a fish bowl we could use.  And I picked up some food on Saturday morning!  Then the task became getting this poor fish to eat.  He just wouldn't!  We were hoping that he was in shock (that is what a google search told us.) Well today marked the end of Goldie's journey when we noticed that he was not swimming any  longer.  So after a discussion with Christian about how Goldie must have had a long journey with the carnival and he was very old, we buried (flushed) Goldie, and then took Christian to Walmart to pick out another pet fish (along with some rocks and a reef for it since we were feeling so bad.)

So now we have Goldie II since Christian wanted to keep the same name!

Goldie II

All the pretty fish bowl fixins'

Goldie II
 So there you have it... the story on how we become the proud owners of Goldie and Goldie II!

And if that wasn't enough for one day, our little wild child was not so wild today!

Our day went like this...

10am-Happy go lucky girl playing outside with her brother...

1pm-Not so happy girl with a 101.8 fever...
6pm-Happy girl after throwing up once and her fever breaking...

Now this was the shortest bout of flu that I have ever seen!  Now hopefully the rest of us can all stay healthy! Poor little girl!

1 comment:

  1. Look like a fun time :) My boys love fold fish but we can not keep those things alive :/ I am glad the flu did not last long!
