Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Sickly Me

I have had allergies for what seems like over a month now. Right around the 4th of July, I had strep throat.  After I got over that, I immediately started developing cold like symptoms that have progressively gotten worse. Everyone has been telling me that it must be allergies since everyone is suffering this year with the drought we are going through.  But I have never had seasonal allergies, and my cough just kept getting worse.  So on Monday morning, I finally caved and went to the walk in clinic. Thank goodness for the walk in clinic.  I was in and out in a matter of 20 minutes and I was able to get to work only 15 minutes late. So the diagnosis is...Bronchitis. This is also a rarity for me since I think I have only had this one other time in my life.  My cough is just horrible and it hurts to breath and swallow from coughing so much. So now I am on an antibiotic and steroid to kick it out before our camping weekend.

So there you have it.  The reason I was MIA last night.  I'm just feeling blah...but there is no rest for me.  I had to grocery shop last night, pick up the camper tonight,  and tomorrow we have to pack them camper and we have Christian's last soccer practice for the year.  All of this to do, so we can leave for camping Friday when I am done with work.  Ahhh, I'm just exhausted thinking about it.  But hopefully it will be a nice relaxing weekend with our friends, with a bit of studying going on too.

Sorry no pictures this time, between being sick and having a very stubborn, sassy 2 year old.  The last couple of days have been exhausting.  So it is off to bed for me!

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