Monday, August 27, 2012

Baby Love

Today, I was thrown feet first into my new position at work.  I have been slowly learning over the past two weeks but today, my co worker had the day off and our unit was full, so I was able to start my Monday off on right!  I didn't even have a chance to even take a breath until 2pm.  But I'm okay with that because the day just flew by and it was already time to go home!  Now that is what I love about this new position and all of the new information that I am learning.

But I was very excited to come home and spend some quality time with the kids after the busy weekend that I had. After dinner, we walked to Dairy Queen for an ice cream sundae! 

After ice cream, we went over to my sister's house to spent some time with my amazingly adorable nieces'.  Even Christian was excited to hold his baby cousin!  I told Bryan that even Christian wants another baby in the house and he told me that we can get him a GI Joe.  Ha, so much for that idea!

And in other exciting news in this house, Bryleigh is doing very well at potty training.  We are slowly going about it this time since I get very frustrated with potty training and it ends up being a more stressful process than it should be. So Bryleigh wears undies for a few hours every day but we still use diapers for naptime and pull up's when we go out.  But I think we are actually getting somewhere this time and she has stayed dry even when she is wearing the diaper and pull up (except for naptime.) So once we have this mastered, we will be onto the next venture of going #2 on the potty!

I also want to share these cute sayings that Christian has said lately!  Today, Christian spent the morning with his Great Grandma M. aka Goldfish Grandma.  This was "Christian's Day" since Grandma and Grandpa M. were unable to make it to his birthday party since they were sick.  So Christian was able to go mini golfing and out for lunch with Grandma.  He informed Grandma that "She shouldn't come to his birthday party next year either, because then he can have another "Christian Day" and be able to celebrate his birthday all over again!"  Oh how I love his critical thinking skills!

Also, on the way to Aunt Katie's house today, Christian says, "Baby Ducati sounds like a boy's name." I explained that it can be a girl's name, to which he replied, "Why does Auntie Katie keep having all these girls?  One of these times, she should have a boy!"  That's right buddy, as much as we feel sorry that you are the only boy in our family, the reality is that you come from a family of all girls!  Sorry babe!  lol

Lastly,  on the way home tonight, my sweet little boy made the following statement, "When will all of our days be over so that we can go to see Jesus?"  When I explained that we don't know when that will be, but it will be someday, Christian replied, "I wish it could be tonight because I miss Jesus."  I explained that Jesus is with us all the time and when we miss him, we can pray to him.  So Christian says, " Well, let's say a prayer now." And so we did, on our car ride home!  These are the moments when I can take a deep breath and realize that through all of the frustrations and emotions of parenthood, I can safely say that we are teaching our children the true meaning of life and who we are living for...Our Savior!  

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