Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Its cold season...

I love fall and all the beautiful changing colors but I do not like the weather change :(  It seems like whenever there is ever a drastic change in weather, someone in our family gets sick.  This time it was Bryan who has a cold and is slowly passing it to all of us.  I have a sore throat and Christian and Bryleigh both have runny noses.  So I brought Bryan home some soup and took the kids out to my parents house tonight for a little while so Bryan could relax for a bit (and also for my awesome dad to change the oil in my car!)

Then we got home, had some dinner, and called it a pajama night!

And if one child is getting some attention, you better believe that the next child will be right there to take advantage also!
And Bryleigh is all about "hamming" it up!

Here's to hoping that our colds get better quick and we don't manage to get anyone else sick along the way! 

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