Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Easter Eggs

We had family move night at my in law's on Friday night.  Since we have been so busy with getting ready for vacation, I completely forgot about coloring Easter eggs.  I was a bit bummed thinking that we were not going to have time to do this. But Friday turned out to be the perfect evening to do it and of course it is always more fun when Grandma and Grandpa are involved too!

The kids (and adults) had a blast. And we were able to bring a few eggs home to leave out for the Easter bunny since he came early this year!

Tonight we leave for Milwaukee and tomorrow we fly out to Mexico.  This is always a bittersweet day since I hate saying good bye to the kids but yet I know they will receive just as much love from Grandma as they would from us!  I asked Christian last night if he was going to miss us and his response was "I will miss you, but Mom, I'm going to be having so much fun with Grandma that I won't remember I'm missing you!"  Oh how I love that boy!

So I guess its Adios until we return :)

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