Monday, October 8, 2012

Sick Baby Girl

Our poor baby girl has the flu :(  She is more sick than we have ever seen her. We woke up at 11:00 last night to Bryleigh throwing up in the hallway.  Poor girl didn't know what hit her. After a bath to clean her up, she spent the rest of the night in our room.  Every hour we woke up to her throwing up.  Surprisingly she must be able to sense it coming because she was able to grab her bucket every time.

But this little girl is resilient,  she is in a good mood even when she is so sick.

Bryan is not feeling so great either so I stayed home from work. Bryleigh has been cuddly all morning.  As much as I hate to see her sick, I do cherish the cuddling! Hopefully this bug passes quickly and Christian doesn't catch it.

Right now we have one tired girl...

And since it was a very long night for all of us, I think I will try to take a nap also!

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