Saturday, September 22, 2012

Sushi Night

Our Friday's usually consist of movies and relaxation. I look forward to our Friday Family nights every week.  Last night, we had dinner at China Palace before our movie night.  Bryan loves Sushi and I would not even try it until about 2 months ago.  And now I love it!!!  So while the kids ate their corn dogs (with chopsticks), Dad and I enjoyed our Dragon and California Rolls!  Yumm...

After my traumatizing experience having lunch with Christian for the first time at school, this was just the evening we needed!  Let's just say that I was not impressed with Christian's lunch experience while I joined him and I do believe that we will be packing him cold lunch's more often so that he can actually get the food that he ordered!!!!  That's my little vent for the day :)


  1. HI Kallie just catching up on all your family fun :) I just love sushi also!

    1. Hi Tesha, how have you been? I have lots of catching up to do also. Grad school has been all consuming these days, I'm so far behind on all the fun stuff like blog reading. I still think about you and pray for you often!
