Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Practice Makes Perfect

We almost have a pro on our hands....a bike rider without training wheels, that is!!!!  This is a big accomplishment in our house seeing as Christian was not much interested in his bike until this year and even within the past month, he had no interest in riding without training wheels.  But after seeing his friend, Landon, riding without training wheels for the past couple of months must have sparked his interest a bit more.  So on Sunday we officially took the training wheels off Christian's bike and we have been practicing every night.  And tonight, he was able to make it down the block and back without any help!  AND I was even able to catch this on video!  Excuse the ending,  we have a pretty quiet street but once in a while we get a car but thankfully they usually go slow, of course it just so happens that the car wanted to make an appearance during Christian's big bike riding debut!

We had plenty of time to practice while Dad was grilling some burgers for us all.  We were excited to have my Grandma over for a cookout tonight! After all the grandparent losses we have had in the past month, I am ever so much more thankful for Grandparents and want to spend all the time that I can with them! 

We had a great evening!  It was a great way to end the night!


  1. Yay!! That is amazing! We tried it with Gavin a few months ago and it was an epic FAIL! He hasn't had any interest since! Hopefully he will get it this summer! Way to go Christian!!!

  2. How fun He did great! I know he was so proud. How funny to hear your voice :) You have the accent my step sisters have. Do you live in Minnesota? I think so, my Dad lives Lakeview or Lakewood? I think that is the name :/ Well I am glad your evening was fun!
