Tuesday, May 1, 2012

And so it begins...

We have officially reached the dreaded "Terrible Two's."  With Bryleigh being 29 months now, I had hoped (maybe said a little prayer or two) that we had sneakily creeped past this stage and were on a upward climb to age 3, but yesterday, I was proved very wrong!  Then my next thought was to blame it on the weather since we had a tease of very nice weather for awhile and spent a lot of time outside, then the weather started getting pretty chilly again so we are spending the majority of time indoors again. But today was 70 degrees and beautiful, and even outside,  she was showing her true colors!  Oh this girl is going to give me gray hairs!  With her stubborn independence paired with this new stage we are diving head first into, we are in for some fun times! 

And although, Bryleigh is still in her toddler bed at night, she likes to "test" us most often at bed time. She goes down to bed at 8pm and for the past week, she will constantly get out of bed and come out in the living room thinking she can play.  We repeatedly put her back to bed and sternly tell her to stay in bed.  This is a game we play til about 9:30pm every night. This is very different from our past nightly routine of bedtime at 8pm and no peep from her until 7am. 

She also does not like to listen to us anymore. This includes refusing to do ANYTHING we tell her such as helping pick up toys, getting diapers or pajamas.  And many, many more temper tantrums than usual. 

But at least I know there is an end in sight since we survived through Christian's terrible two's!  So the testing of my very low patience level begins :)  Breathe....and count to 10, right?  Ha Ha

Terrible Two's 
By Wendy Silva

I kick and scream 'cause I don't get my way...
no one will listen, but I have so much to say!

"I can do it myself!" I let everyone know...
and my favorite word? That would be "NO!"

Though sometimes I'm a brat.
I'm really quite sweet...
and just the most opinionated two-year-old
you'll ever meet.

But this is just another phase. You see...
another step on the way to becoming me.

So don't take it personally when I scream
and shout...
That's just what the Terrible Two's are all about!

 Of course, we still do have the fun moments and smiles that we enjoy to the fullest...

1 comment:

  1. Oh no I can so relate Shayla is three but still in terrible two's :) UGGGG that goodness they are worth it!
