Tuesday, June 19, 2012

She's got the Look

 The weather here has been very strange these days!  It has been very hot and humid. We have constantly been under severe weather watches and warnings but between storms, the sky is clear blue!  This morning was beautiful for my morning walk, we don't usually get blessed with 80 degree weather at 4 am, but on my way to work at 6:30, the sky was very nasty looking!  And about 2 minutes after I took this picture, it started down pouring and hailing.  I could not see a thing and knew that I really needed to pull over but couldn't because I couldn't even see where I would be pulling over.  And the storm lasted my entire 45 minute commute!  Not a fun ride, but I am relieved that I had no hail damage to my car which I was for sure would be there when I arrived at work! 

Bryan sent me this picture at work this morning entitled, "Our little princess!" And that she is! 
 She wanted a dilly bar so badly at Christian's baseball game because the boys in front of us had dilly bars.  It was entertaining to watch her bat her little eye lashes and give the cute little look and stance to try to get a bite!  And if that wasn't cute enough, she was licking her lips and pretending to be eating the dilly bar in a subtle way. It really appeared as if we do not treat our poor little girl to ice cream! 
 We are sure going to have to watch her with the boys when she is older.  She is not shy at all! 

And... I couldn't miss out on one of these rare moments where Christian and Bryleigh are playing so well together!  It just so happened that it is a bribery picture also as Christian is playing dress up with Bryleigh!

1 comment:

  1. Yicks that sky looks scary :/ Bryleigh is such a doll I am glad she will grow up with a big brother to fend off those boys. Sooooo sweet Christian is paling dress up with her :)
