Saturday, June 23, 2012

Boating Fun

The weather started off pretty dreary this morning, and it was looking like outdoor fun was not going to happen but thankfully it warmed up and the sun came out!  My In Laws invited us out on the boat so we readily accepted the invite.  Its been almost 2 years since we were out boating so it was fun to get out on the lake again.  Bryleigh was only 6 months old the last time she was out on the boat so this was her first memorable boating experience!

We found a nice little area to pull up the boat for a picnic lunch...

Christian was very concerned about Bryleigh being on the tube that when Grandpa let them float out into the water, he did not like that very much, and had to pull her back to shore!  Such big brother love! 

And of course, Bryleigh had to show that she could do that too!
 We spent all afternoon out on the water pulling the girls on the tube!  It was one of the girl's first time being out on tube and she did great holding on for a beginner :)

 Even Bryan wanted in on the fun!  I'm not much for tubing just because I don't have the arm strength and I always fly off the tube but I do enjoy watching!

Bryan decided to take the kids out for a leisure tube ride and they were having so much fun until Bryan shifted his weight on the tube and it started to go under.  This is where I got my adrenaline rush to last me for the next month!  Once I seen them starting to fall off the tube, my motherly instinct kicked in and I jumped in the water, clothes and all.  Everyone was fine because they all had their life jackets on but I have just heard about too many tragic drowning accidents and I freaked! Bryleigh was more worried that she lost her water shoe and once I swam and retrieved it for her, she was fine.  I learned through that ordeal, that I completely understand how people can drown in only a matter of minutes.  I was completely exhausted while in the water and being weighted down by my dress.  As Bryan sat there holding onto the kids in the water, I was of no help at all.  I thought for sure that Bryan was going to have to help me once he got the kids in the boat.  I will never under estimate the power of a life jacket again, because I probably should have had one on!  Thankfully it was a minor incident but scary for me none the less!  I'm pretty sure that the kids and I will be watching Daddy tube from now on from inside the boat :)

After that little incident, we decided to pull up to the beach area and let the kids swim for a while.  They enjoyed playing in the sand for bit.

Towards the end of the afternoon, Bryleigh's lack of naps for the past 2 days started to catch up with her and you could tell that she was getting very tired!

Bryleigh and her cute little saggy butt
And yup, as soon as we hopped back on the boat, she was out...

It was a great afternoon, finished off with a cookout at Grandma and Grandpa's house. Because no one makes better burgers that "Big Chef and Little Chef."

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