Thursday, June 6, 2013

Big Changes Ahead

This week has been bittersweet.  It is with much sadness that I resigned from my position at Norwood Health Center after having worked there for almost 3 years.  Although, I love my job working in the mental health field, I am tired of my 45 minute commute to work. After the winter that we had this past year, I was ready for a change.

I accepted a position working at Portage County Health and Human Services as a Special Needs Social Worker. I applied for the position in May and was called for an interview a few weeks ago.  My interview went amazingly well considering it was in the midst of my Grandma being diagnosed with a  brain tumor.  I was shocked that I was offered the position since this was the first and only position that I have applied for in the past 3 years.  After much contemplating, Bryan and I decided that this would be the best for all of us.  I'm excited that my commute will only be about 15 minutes,  I will continue to be part time, I get vacation the first year, and they are extremely flexible. This position works out perfect with my schooling as they are willing to work around my 2nd and 4th year internships.  This is also a job share position until the lady who has held this position for the past 37 years decides to retire. They estimate that she will want to remain employed for the next 3 years which will take me through graduation from grad school, at which time when she retires, I will take on the full time position.

I truly believe that God had plans for considering how well this all worked out!  I'm very sad and emotional to be leaving a lot of great people but thank God for Facebook and being reasonably close so that I can remain in contact with all the great people that I have met over the past 3 years!

My last day with Wood County will be on June 25.  I will start my new position on July 1!  I'm very excited to be working with Developmentally and Physically Disabled kiddos and their families.  I have so much to learn  but I'm very excited for these changes!

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