Sunday, October 2, 2011

Never a dull vacation

We started off our mini vacation on Friday after Christian's last day of 4K for the week.  I was the parent helper and I might add, bless his teachers heart because a classroom full of 20 4-5 year old's is quite the ambitious bunch!  We got to the Kalahari resort right after lunch and were able to check into our room right away.  We also were upgraded to a larger room,  very close to the water park, at no extra cost!  So we wasted no time in getting our suits on!

And we headed down to the water park for some fun!

My mom and niece, Denali, met up with us later and we went over to Ponderosa's for dinner.  This is where the "never a dull moment" comes into play! Right as we sat down for dinner, Christian started to complain of his ear and mouth hurting and refused to eat.  We thought that it was water in his ear and also his over tiredness that was causing him to cry all through dinner and then he ended up falling asleep on my lap.  So we went back and put both the kids to bed.  It took awhile but both kids finally fell asleep and we thought they would be good and rested for Saturday!

We woke up bright and early on Saturday and Christian acted fine.  He told Grandma,  "You were right, I slept on my ear and all the water drained out!"  But as soon as he tried to eat something, he started whining that his mouth hurt.  But we could not get him to open his mouth to see what could be causing the pain.  We figured we would keep an eye on it and got ready to enjoy the day once again at the water park.

Bryan never likes to smile!

And after a long afternoon of swimming, we were all hungry so we made our way over to Buffalo Phil's!  Our favorite restaurant to go to in the Dells!  The train delivered food is always a hit!

We also played some games at the attached arcade, Knuckleheads!

But once again, at dinner, Christian complained of his mouth hurting and did not eat anything!  So by this point,  Christian had barely eaten anything but a couple bites of snacks throughout the day.  We made a last attempt to give Christian some ice cream, and when he didn't even want this, I knew that something was really wrong.  I called the nurse hot line and they told me to have him seen within 24 hours.  But the little trooper still wanted to go back to the water park for a couple more hours.    We also took some pictures in the beautifully decorated lobby! 

Bryleigh had a good night's sleep but Christian did not not.  I slept with him on the pull out bed and he would wake up through out the night and whimper in pain.  

So we woke up around 8am and packed up and headed out.  I was happy that my mom and Denali were able to stay and enjoy the water park but I just knew that we couldn't let Christian suffer any more.  So when we got home, I took Christian to the walk in clinic right away.

 And, the verdict is....Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease.  Poor kid has sores on his hands and his mouth and also has a very red throat and the only thing we can do about it is let the virus pass.  And oddly enough, I was talking to my friend about Christian last night and she told me that she just received a note from her daycare about this virus going around and I had never heard of it. So hopefully this passes quickly and no one around us gets it.  Apparently, he is able to return to school tomorrow because he is already past the contagious point.  Tomorrow is Christian's first field trip to a Cranberry Marsh so I hope he is feeling well enough to be able to go and enjoy it.

Overall, we had a fun mini vacation, I just wish that we could have relieved Christian of some of his pain :(  But definitely never a dull moment in our household!

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