Saturday, December 18, 2010

Christmas with Angels and Winter Wonderland

This morning we got up early and took the kids to Breakfast with the Christmas Angels at our church!  We went with my mom and niece, Phoenix.  Christian had a great time!  We had breakfast, watched a skit about Jesus Birthday and the real meaning of Christmas, and made art projects.  Christian made an angel ornament for our tree, a treasure box with items in it to remind him of Jesus Birth such as a piece of straw, swaddling cloth, gold, frankincense and myrrh, and an angel clip with a message that says, "This little angel is being sent your way. A guardian of goodness to protect you every day. A lovely angel, as precious as can be.  A gift to someone who means the world to me! Christian also made the crafts for his cousin, Denali, since she wasn't able to make it today!  It was a great start to our day!

The girls-Bryleigh and Phoenix

My mom and Phoenix came back to our house after breakfast and the kids played til it was nap time! After nap time, we headed to Marshfield with my parents and my sister and her family!  We went to see Rotary Winter Wonderland which is a holiday lights display in Wildwood Park!  It was amazing!  Bryan took Christian and walked through some of the lights display with everyone but since Bryleigh is still feeling pretty under the weather, I stayed in the nice warm car with her while she slept!  They were back within 15 minutes because it was so cold.  But luckily, they have the option of driving through the lights display so we did this and although you don't get to see as much, it was still great!  We will definitely be going back every year for this! 

Christian and Denali

Don't you love the Christian's!  This must be the "I'm too cold for this face!"  But he was a good sport and I was very happy that Dad took pictures since I wasn't able to come walk through with them!

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